Per N.C. General Statute § 90-357.5, applicants must hold a degree from a regionally accredited college or university. Many programs may claim to be “accredited” but applicants should be aware that simply being “accredited” does not necessarily equate to regional accreditation. To learn if your granting institution is regionally accredited, please review the following information:
“Regionally Accredited” means the institution is accredited by one of the following regional accrediting bodies:
How can I verify regional accreditation? We recommend cross-checking in a few different ways, including:
• Ask the college/university to identify whether or not they are regionally accredited, and if so, by which accrediting body. Then, visit the web site for the regional accrediting body (see links above), and look up your college/university in their listing of accredited institutions.
• Contact information for the regional accrediting bodies can be found at: